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Scots Language Centre Centre for the Scots Leid

The Broons show in Banff

8th June 2015

Pupils in the town of Banff have recently been gaining a reputation for their Scots language- related projects and are now set to impress with a new animation.

In the press recently (Sunday Post, 7 June 2015) it was reported that teacher Dorothy Reid and her P6/P7 pupils at Banff Primary School have knitted a whole cast of characters from much-loved family The Broons which appear in a six-minute animation using stop-frame photography.

Called The Broons and the Magic Falsers, the script helps to convey information about childrens rights, features some of the pupils, and includes a song written by parents. The animation, which took seven weeks to produce, will be shown at the school on 22 June and both First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and MP Alex Salmond have been invited to attend.

In the future the school intends to produce additional episodes made by the younger children.