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Scots Language Centre Centre for the Scots Leid

Update anent Belfast

Please tak tent that the Forum for Speirings anent the Leids o Scotland an Ulster haes noo pit back its deidline for papers tae 31 Jooly 2024. The confeerence, tae be held in Belfast fae 28t tae 30t November, will be jyned bi Professor Warren Maguire (Versity o Embra) an Dr Frank …
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Scots Awairds 2024

The Awairds tae the Scots Leid haes returnt, an will this year be held in Cumnock …

UEFA Euro Tassie

It seems that hauf the fowk o Scotland maun be ower in Germany for the UEFA Euro …

Scots in 2022 Census

The feegurs oot the 2022 census wis set furth taewards the end o Mey 2024, an shuid …