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Scots Language Centre Centre for the Scots Leid


*There wis a little moosie
An it left its little hoosie
An it sneakit up, an creepit up
Intil the baimie's bosie*

It powked its pynted nosie
In the bosie warm n' cosie.
An it curled up an kittled up
Wi taesies reid n' rosy.

The bairn let oot a skirl
Gart the moosie's luggies dirl
The moose did faa. It ran awa
Bit thanked him fur the hurl!

*The first verse is a traditional bairn-game played by adult on child, the fingers tickling the child like the 'moosie'; learned from my maternal grandmother Lizzie Philip, who was reared at the Home Farm of Hopewell in Cromar, and also in Strathmore, Coull.