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Scots Language Centre Centre for the Scots Leid


The aik wis michty, Samson-strang.
The girnin Ivy crept alang
Furlin aroon lik bough an bark
Wyvin the aik a secunt sark,

She speired an socht, "Look efter me!"
Sookin the guidness frae yon tree.
The aik, wi naethin mair tae gie
Sappit o virr, cud anely dee.

The cuckoo's bairn, in a nest
Is rale innocuous, a guest
Fa's teenie needs, explodin, hatch
An aidder, in the siblin'-patch,
O wints, that snatch, an snatch, an snatch.

The ant lay doon tae lay her eggs.
Leaf, heistit up on reivin legs
O ant-ish armies, should hae kent
Ower muckle weir, the goun is rent.

The lammie, hingin on the tree
Bled, wi responsibility.
The strang maun subsidise the weak,
The vauntie, galvanise the meek.

Ower-bigg the scales, the balance draps.
Care b'compulsion, quickly saps.
I am a strawman, nae a stable
Giein response, far I am able.