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Scots Language Centre Centre for the Scots Leid

Asteroid Belt

The‘r an orra region atween Mairs an Jubiter wi nae planets but mony, mony cheils cryed asteroids – fae the Greek word asteroeides meanin ‘like a starn’- rocks o sindry sizes an shapes. The fower biggest anes that bides here is cryed Ceres (no the toun in Fife), Hygiea, Pallas an Vesta. Ceres is big eneuch tae be clessified as a droich planet equate wi Plutock while the ither three is aboot a third smaer in size.

It wis aince thocht that ane o the early planets brak up, leain the aff-fawins o itsel ahin, but speirings at the Versity o Florida in Americae in 2018 haes noo shawn that the asteroids in thon region is makkit fae sindry planets, an no ane. Whan oor Sun Gird wis born mony rocks gaed aboot the inward gird, clatterin, smushin, an whiles mellin until warlds sic as Mercury, Venus, the Yird an Mairs wis makkit. But ayont Mairs the rocks birlin aboot wis tore apairt wi the wechty gravity o michty Jubiter an didna get makkin a planet. Insteid thir dowie rocks held-gauin wi thair veage aboot the Sun Gird, mony o them tint noo throu smushin or jist threw oot the region awthegither.

ceres-crater Ceres, the biggest cheil in the asteroid belt, is reckont 587 mile abreed an is made fae ice an rock. Its name springs fae the Roman Ceres that wis the goddess o ferming an growthieness. In 2014 a reek o watter cuid be seen comin aff sindry pairts o Ceres meanin that it maun hae a gey thin atmosphere. This watter is whiles kittled whan it mells wi pairticles fae the Sun but the thin atmosphere aye dwynes awa again. In 2015 the Dawn prog sent bi NASA sent photies back shawin the Ceres haed mony craters an a wheen o bricht plouks that’s appearinly saut-like compoonds.
