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Scots Language Centre Centre for the Scots Leid

Four Bairn Sangs

The Bat
The Bat's a midnicht falderal,
An upside doon asleep,
Umbrella at a funeral,
Hung in the kirk, tae dreep.

Oh blin-eed, blearie, fleein moo
We canna as be bonnie,
Bit fin the Lord dispensed guid
He didna gie ye ony!

The rain's a busy washer wife,
Her clouts, the clouds sae high,
She wrings them oot in thunnerstorms
Syne hings them up tae dry.

Caterpillar, in the strae,
Fit a lot o' feet ye hae!
It maun tak frae dawn till dark,
Jist tae walk across the park.

Wee Hootie Owl
The wee Hootie Owl
Has a neb like a scurl,
Een like fog lichts,
Heid on the furl.

His taes turn in
An his lugs cock oot,
Like a wee choochin ingine,
He gings, “Hoot, hoot.”