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Scots Language Centre Centre for the Scots Leid

Eight Evil Lessons for Halloween

Halloween, with its strong traditions of dookin fir aipples, carving turnips and guising, is an ideal time to use Scots in the classroom. Try some of the following: 


  1. Watch the Halloween video from the Moving Image Archive, courtesy of National Libray of Scotland: Dookin for aipples video. Share stories of Halloween traditions with your class. How many of these traditions can be described using Scots?


  1. Use our list of Eldritch words to make a word cloud or write a Halloween poem.


  1. Listen and watch Wanderin Willie’s tale and use the related Primary or Secondary teaching resources from the Wee Windaes website. There's also a comic book version of Wanderin Willie's tale on the Scots in Schools site. 


  1. Research the origins of Halloween here.


  1. Listen to Alan Bissett’s ghost stories, written in modern Scots with a contemporary setting.


  1. Watch the animation of Burns’ ‘Tam O’Shanter’.


  1. Listen to the story of Aggie Bash, one of the stories from 'Oor Wee Podcast'.


  1. Colour in one of our Halloween pictures - downloadable below.