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Scots Language Centre Centre for the Scots Leid


Neptune is cryed efter the Roman god o the sea (equate wi the Greek Posidon). This is the eerie blue warld wi the Muckle Daurk Plouk.  Like Uranus, Neptune is a warld that we only kent aboot in mair modren times. It wis the Frainchman Urban Le Verrier that jaloused the maun be a planet by Uranus, gauin bi the gravity that wis wirkin on it, an in 1846 the German astrologue Johann Gottfried Galle fund Neptune jist whaur Le Verrier’s calculs reckont it shuid be.

A day on Neptune is 16 houres an 16 meenits lang an bein that faur awa fae the Sun taks 164 year tae gang-roond. It is some 17 times the size o oor Yird an is clessified as ane o the ice etins alang wi Uranus. The hap o methane in the atmosphere is whit pairtly gies Neptune its bonnie blue colour.  The’r twa-three layers tae this warld, stertin aff wi the atmosphere maistly o hydrogen, some helium, an the methane that taks in rid licht an gies back blue. The temperature o the atmosphere is warmer tae whit it shuid be this faur awa fae the Sun but fykie ions in the magnetic field micht hae something tae dae wi this heat. Ablow this atmosphere the’r a mantle o ammonia an methane ices an watter, an the hert o the warld is made o rock an nickel-iron. As heat atween the mantle an the hert breks doun methane ice it lowses carbon atoms that’s brocht thegither unner sic a heich brizz that it is jaloused diamonts is makkit.

The’r a Muckle Daurk Plouk – or raither plouks - on the face o Neptune that haes kythed an diskythed on an aff throu the years. First seen in 1989 bi the Voyager 2 prog, scientific speirars cuidna wirk oot whit wey the plouk wisna tae be seen a puckle year efter, but bi 2016 a new ane haed kythed in the norland atmosphere. It is noo thocht that thir plouks is birlin storms that steers up for a puckle year an syne dwynes awa. Ilk ane wad swallae the hail o oor Yird nae bother. Alang wi thir plouks is the maist pouerfae winds in the hail Sun Gird blawin as muckle as 1,500 mile an houer.

Neptune haes 14 moons that we ken o, an thay birl roond five gey thin rings or baunds that can only be seen for ordnar whan the licht o the Sun hits them fae ahin. The heidmaist o thir moons is Triton that’s kenspeckle as the only moon in the Sun Gird that gaes contergaits tae the birl o its host planet. Triton likely belanged the Kuiper Belt an daunert intae the gait o Neptune whaur it wis claucht an syne held. The new moon caused a stramash thrawin ither moons ootwards an settin the pattren that we see the day.  It is faur fae deid as the geysers or spoots on this moon shaws. As it gaes contergaits tae Neptune ‘tides’ pulls on Triton an gars it heat. This heat is the pouer ahin the spoots an nitrogen jilps oot intil a thin atmosphere that even haes a breith o wind til’t. But Triton is birlin inwards wi time an in anither 3 billion year it will stert tae brek apairt an will be gane.

The cowpin o Plutock fae its seat in 2006 means that Neptune is the ootermaist planet o the Sun Gird aince mair.


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