The Wee Thread O Watter
Translation of a Bolivian short story into Scots by Dr Michael Dempster, the Scots Scriever. The story is published in one of the books donated by the Bolivian Embassy in the UK to the National Library of Scotland titled 'Anthology of Bolivian literature for children and young people' (Antologia de literatura infantil y juvenil de Bolivia). This is a new collection from Isabel Gisbert Mesa, published by the Vice-presidency of Bolivia in 2017 under a CC_BY_SA license as part of the Bicentenary Library project.
Alexandra Shrinivas - Oors o Jo Fir Iver Vanisht
Alexandra Shrinivas singing Oors o Jo Fir Iver Vanisht fae Dr Michael Dempster's translation o Mozart's Magic Flute intae Scots. This is in Govan Auld Kirk whaur the Govan Stanes sit
Stephanie Strachan - The Teeth o Hell
Stephanie Strachan singin The Teeth o Hell fae Dr Michael Dempster's translation o Mozart's The Magic Flute
David Douglas (Scots Opera Project) Aw Bonnie Lass Ayont Compare
David Douglas singin Aw Bonnie Lass Ayont Compare fae Dr Michael Dempster's translation o Mozart's Magic Flute intae Scots. This is in Govan Auld Kirk whaur the Govan Stanes sit
We'r Needin tae Talk Aboot Wir Language | Michael Dempster | TEDxInverness
Auditory neuroscientist Michael Dempster delivers a gripping presentation on how the mind reacts when we talk freely with the language we grew up with. This talk is delivered using the language which Miachael grew up with, Scots. He tells of some of the difficulties the Scots language has faced in the past and gives some insight into its future. Michael is an Auditory Neuroscientist who gained his Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Glasgow for his work exploring neural processing fundamental to language and music perception. He is also a first-language Scots speaker. He has taught modern Scots to people from outwith Scotland and to people from Scotland who want to learn more about their own ways of speaking. Over the past year he has been working on his forthcoming book “Mind yer language? - How we talk English an how we talk Scots.” This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at