The First Ayrshire Christmas
Gael Herne reads her Scots language story 'The First Ayrshire Christmas'.
Paralytic Games - Rab Wilson
Rab Wilson reads his Scots language poem 'The Paralytic Games', a reflection on Scotland's excessive drinking habits.
Wulf Kurtoglu Interview
An interview with 'Wulf Kurtoglu', writer of the Scots language novel 'Braken Fences'. Wulf Kurtoglu is the pen name of Dr Caroline Macafee, who is here interviewed by the poet Rab Wilson. This was filmed in the William Soutar House in Perth to mark the 2012 Scottish Book Week.
Frances Robson Interview
Dauvit Horsbroch and Frances Robson chat about her Scots speaking background, her experiences using Scots language in education and her current translating projects, which include award winning translations from Russian and Polish literary texts.
The Demon
Frances Robson reads an extract from her award winning Scots language translation of the Russian classic by Michael Lermontov.