Glesca's auldest Scots
It is 602 year fae the auldest kent document that wis baith wrutten in Scots an datit at Glesca. In 1422 George Cambeel, or Campbell, laird o Waster Gallystoun, wadset his lands o Gallisholme, in Ayrshire, tae Weelum Stirlin laird o Cadder. A wad is anither word for a pledge, sae for a body tae wadset til anither is tae pledge lands, or ither richts, in return for a lend o siller, on the unnerstaunin that the lands or richts wadset will be redeemed aince the siller haes been peyed back. In this case, George Campbell haed a lend o 20 merks Scots fae Weelum Stirlin an hechtit that he wad pey “in the hee kyrke o Glasgu, a pon the hee alter” an gree’d tae pey intress shuid the siller no be peyed back in time. Campbell pit his seal tae the wadset “at the cete o Glasgu” on 3 August 1422 for in thae days maist fowk cuidna write but raither pit thair seals in wax til a paper for tae shaw thay haed consentit. It is throu documents o this ilk that we can read an see the Scots leid as it wis, an is, in Glesca, doun tae this day.
Photie: Dr Dauvit Horsbroch
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Scots Grant Buiks
A wheen o screivars an publishers – ten in aw – haes been awairdit siller oot the Publication Grant tae the Scots Leid for tae gie a heize tae thair wark throu Scots. Fundit bi the Scots Government, an admeenistert bi gait o the Buik Trust for Scotland, the siller will see sindry buiks on oor binks for the saxt year gauin. The’r a fouth o material here, baith fae auld screivars an new anes, for bairns an adults, whither leebuiks or factual, prose an poyems, owersettins, gaitheries o music an sang, an in a puckle dialects forby. For tae get the leet o the hail screivars an thair warks please clap yer device on the wabsteid o the Buik Trust for Scotland.
Photie: Buik Trust for Scotland
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Update anent Belfast
Please tak tent that the Forum for Speirings anent the Leids o Scotland an Ulster haes noo pit back its deidline for papers tae 31 Jooly 2024. The confeerence, tae be held in Belfast fae 28t tae 30t November, will be jyned bi Professor Warren Maguire (Versity o Embra) an Dr Frank Ferguson (Versity o Ulster) as twa o the heid speakers. Forby the papers gien, the’ll be a gaithering o organisations that steers for sma an lesser-used leids in Scotland an Ulster, for tae haud a crack anent sic haunling. Fowk ettlin tae pit forrit a paper for the confeerence shuid see on thair abbreviates o 300 words or less, as a doc or PDF, tae bi the deidline gien abuin. PGR students shuid tak tent that the’r siller warth as muckle as £250 awairdit for the best abbreviate, sae please jot doun yer PGR stauning at the tap o yer abbreviate for tae be conseedert.
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Scots Awairds 2024
The Awairds tae the Scots Leid haes returnt, an will this year be held in Cumnock Toun Chaumers, Ayrshire, on Seturday 14 September 2024. The Awairds, first stertit in 2019, awns thae kenspeckle fowk makkin an wirkin in aboot the Scots-speaking community, an the fact o its uiss in oor life day an daily. Taylor Dyson an Shane Strachan will baith host on the nicht, alang wi music an sang fae airtists hameaboot. Ony body can pit forrit the name o anither thay wad like tae see weel-quotit, an this can be done atween 22 Jooly an 4 August. Syne the’ll be a vote anent thaim nominate atween 26 August an 8 September. For tae pit forrit a name for the awairds please clap yer device here an speir bi gait o Hands Up for Trad.
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Forum tae gaither in Belfast
The Forum for Speirings anent the Leids o Scotland an Ulster is awa tae haud its confeerence this year fae 28ct tae the 30t November 2024, in Belfast, bi gait o the Versity o Ulster. This will be the first year fae 2018 that the confeerence haes been held face tae face, but the micht be an online session forby for tae gie as mony fowk ingait as possible. The subject ower aw for this year will be “Communities, activists, champions” but papers anent ither subjects wil aye be walcome. Wi this in mind, Professor Joanna Kopaczyk, the convener o the Forum, haes noo pit oot the caw for papers. Aw abbreviates o papers, nae mair nor 300 words (in doc or PDF file), shuid be sent tae bi the deidline o 22 Jooly 2024. Papers shuid be 20 meenits lang, wi 10 meenits for ony questions efter. Fowk wi papers acceptit will be tellt bi 31 August, while a second caw, alang wi the parteeclars for inrowment, will be postit throu Jooly. Mind an please lat the confeerence ken whither ye wad hae an intress in giein yer paper online. Please speir at Professor Kopaczyk for mair general wittins anent the confeerence.
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